Other things may change us,
but we start and end with the family.
~Anthony Brandt
They were all coming from here and there, to celebrate. To celebrate their 10th annual family reunion! They even had t-shirts made for it, how uber fantastic is that?!? This is something I'm not used to seeing much of. You didn't hear about this kind of activity, HUGE family reunions (with your own t-shirt even) back in New Mexico. That or mums at Homecoming. Now that was an adjustment! It's a different world out here in Texas. A very friendly one :)
While my immediate family, siblings and all their kiddos, is rather gargantuan in size; my extended family, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and the like, was always somewhat minuscule and seems to continuously be diminishing in size. And all too rapidly I might add. Because of this, I have never been privileged to attend one of those amazingly fantastic events called, "THE Family Reunion". We just simply didn't have enough to gather in one room and call it such. No wait, I recall one year that we did this with my father's side of the family and it was a wonderful! I remember obliviously walking along the shoreline of Myrtle Beach, singing what I thought to be the world's next greatest hit, my first experience of the ocean. I remember meeting my two Aunts and the cousins. Family I really didn't know much about. AMAZING! I think family reunions are definitely where it's at :)
One of the things I love about my job is getting to meet such amazing people. The Maxfield's and their family were a BLAST!!! They were so laid back and fun, and thankfully not too sweaty despite the raging temps, lol! Kiddos running around, diving off docks, taking boat rides on the lake, grandparents teasing them, parents chuckling at their antics... yep, the family reunion is where it's at :)
Kathie.... I think you're right. It does only take one person to start a tradition.... maybe I should be that one :)
These three siblings and their spouses have carried this tradition for an entire decade, how cool is that??? |
What a gorgeous group!!! |
They say that families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts... or is it the other way around? ;) |
One of the best moments..... when the neighbor drove his classic Chevy into the driveway. Can you say, "PHOTO OP!"
He was sooo sweet to oblige us :D |
On to the FUN stuff! |
Look at those girls go! |
Everything from canoeing, diving, good-natured ribbing and guitar playing was going on :) |
That's the coolest guitar I've ever seen! |
I don't think you could find a better place to have a family reunion. |
They say that, "Home is Where the Heart Is".... I think it should be, "Family is Where the Heart Is" |
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God. ♥ Psalm 84:3
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