The last Merry Mini that I will be sharing :)
It's hard to believe that I met this family when our babies were literally babies. Diapers and all. And here they are. The babies are now middle schoolers and our boys are in high school (and WAY to close to driving than I'd like to admit).
One of my most precious friends and her family.... a true blessing for me to photograph them. I thank God every day for each of them ♥
Someone turned out to be a little camera shy... literally! Every time she saw me lift the camera, she hid! |
Anna, you're gorgeous! |
Hard to believe this face is going to end up on a driver's license in the near future. Where has the time gone??? |
I just love how this family loves. Gentle and sweet. |
Yes, she hid again! |
I just had to throw this one in for proof... Right after she heard the "click" she tucked her nose into to mama's embrace. Goodness! I would have never believed it if I hadn't have seen it for myself, lol! When the camera came down, she looked back up. Too funny! |
Merry Christmas Klick Family! |
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God. ♥ Psalm 84:3
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