Kingsland Senior Photographer ~ Makenzie

How do you begin to tell about a girl that you've watched grow up into such an incredible young lady?  I will never forget how impressed I was with this girl's style and depth, especially when expressed through her photography.  Makenzie was one of my very first students and she was one of the ones I knew really loved to be behind the lens.  I got the crazy cool honor of capturing her and her beautiful spirit in FRONT of my lens this year in honor of her graduation from high school ;)

We had such a blast chasing the light and chasing horses.  In fact, God brought us a crazy blessing at the VERY end of the evening.  We had been trying to find the "wild" horses (as I like to call them) and missed them as they had moved on.  We packed up, headed out, and BAM!  There they were, right as we were almost to the highway!  Makenzie's mom pulled over and excitedly pointed them out!  I jumped out of the car, camera in hand and attempted to capture something, anything!  It was so crazy dark by that point that we could hardly see and the camera struggled to focus.  In spite of this, God smiled and we got some great shots!  We even found the horse that won Makenzie's heart <3  Now, if that doesn't prove there is a God then I don't know what else you need ;)

Mak, thank you.  Thank you for choosing me to capture this crazy beautiful time in your life!  Thank you for picking such a fantastic location and thank you... for being you <3

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.   ♥   Psalm 84:3


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