Life's Joy
It's hard for me to believe that in just about a month Greg and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary! So many struggles and blessings wrapped up in that phrase. I am incredibly blessed (and I'm not sugar coating this) to truly be married to the same guy for so many years. It's only by the grace of God and our willingness to take our vows to heart. No matter how many times we were ready to shoot the other person, lol!
As some of you know, it hasn't always been easy and with starting our own businesses with nothing in the bank, choosing a life that leads to debt freedom instead of debt disaster (been there, done that, never again) and our choice to have me stay home and homeschool, we haven't had the ability to see the world. Or even the United States. That is about to change!
This September, in a rush and flurry of emails, web searches, tears (both of joy frustration sorrow and joy again) we will be heading to ALASKA!!! I can not wait to share this adventure with you all!
God is good. ALL the time! Even when we don't understand how things will work out :)

Part of our Journey will take us here... Haines, Alaska! Our hotel is shown on the right side of this postcard image. *swoon*
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