Horseshoe Bay Wedding, Casey and Dustin

I just knew this was a very special moment for two very special people the minute I met Casey and Dustin.  It was pretty evident when I met them to do their engagement session that these two adore each other!

Casey shown like a princess on her wedding day, I seriously don't think she could have been any more lovely!  Her bridal session was only a hint because the joy and emotion on this wonderful day gave her a radiance that none could match.

I think Dustin felt that the moment she started down the aisle.  Now, there's one fantastic groom for you <3  I know I'm a complete sap but you have to admit, there is something so crazy amazing, sweet and wonderful about a groom secure enough in himself to show the world how much he adores his bride.  Dustin, thank you for making me cry.  No, seriously... Like my job isn't challenging enough to see an incredible groom like you waiting for his stunning bride makes my heart swell!  And it makes my eyeballs leak like crazy, lol!

I adore both of you!  You are absolutely one of the most precious couples I've had the pleasure to meet and I'm super blessed to now call you friends <3

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Junek!!!

His eye is on the sparrow and I know He is watching over me.   ♥   Matthew 10:29-31


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