My Girl ♥

There have been so many times I have WISHED, with every fiber of my being, that I had been into photography way back when my kids were mere babies.  I am grateful that God gives us joy even in our disappointments.  I will NEVER regret getting started with my camera (no matter how late in life) and I will FOREVER be sooo thankful to have the opportunity to at least get really uber fab and fun senior pics of my kids :)

My first graduate, Hannah, is an EXTRAORDINARY young lady.  Smart, smart, smart (puts me to shame), avid reader (CONTINUALLY plagues me about reading "Hunger Games"), graduating at the top of her class, and creative.... doggone is she creative!

She has loved wolves ever since the first time she laid eyes on Balto (she's even considering becoming a top wolf/dog breeder).  I can still remember hearing her giggle to no end when Borris was acting goofy attempting to cheer Balto up.  That was the first time she had ever laughed out loud during a movie :)  Oh my how time has flown!

Her dreams and creative spirit have only grown with her and the one thing she REALLY wanted as part of her senior pictures was to be "Little Red Riding Hood".  Mainly because the cool cape (made it!) and of course.... the wolf.  She told me she has been dreaming of this shoot.  Literally, in her dreams, as she's sleeping, dreaming of this moment.  She said it turned out exactly how she had hoped and that gives me UNSPEAKABLE joy!

We will be doing a full session soon but for now.... here's my Little Red.

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.   ♥   Psalm 84:3


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