Marble Falls Photographer ~ Faith Academy Awards Ceremony

It was such an honor to see all these incredible kids take the platform and receive numerous awards.  I was floored at the number of scholarships they earned and the massive amount of sports recognitions and championships they earned!  What a banner year for our small school!

Congrats you all!  You worked hard and earned it!

(full album available on Facebook)

One of our seniors was accepted into the Naval Academy, way to go Seth!
Both boys and girls tennis teams took State this year!
A very special night, dedicated to the father of one of our seniors who ended his battle with cancer this year.What a beautiful memorial the students have put in place for future graduating classes, in his honor.

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.   ♥   Psalm 84:3


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