Horseshoe Bay Family Photographer ~ The Appleby Clan

Mother Nature sure has tried to get into my business lately.  Literally.  Well, I have had a few choice words with her and basically told her that she really needs to work WITH me instead of against me.  She listened and she has!  There have been several arctic blasts, scheduled to hit the days I have some very special sessions scheduled.  My clients are the BEST to hang in with me and Mother Nature has been even better, teehee!  While she may not have given us a sweet 75 degree day, she held the ice off, the rain stopped and it couldn't have been more exhilarating jumping around in the cold with this fun family!

The Appleby clan was a hoot and a blast!  Greg and I even got to come inside and hang around a bit.  Nothing better than family, football, a fire in the fireplace and... PIE!  Oh MAN did that look scrumptious!  No, we didn't snatch any but we did get hugs on the way out though.  Those are much better in my opinion!

Appleby's and clan, Greg and I are so blessed to have met each and everyone of you all! *HUGS*

His eye is on the sparrow and I know He is watching over me.   ♥   Matthew 10:29-31


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