Family Sessions ~ My Heart for Them and About Them
A while back I expressed how much my heart has changed as far as family sessions go. For such a long time I've been stuck. Stuck feeling like I was slowly backing myself into a corner and I didn't know how to get out. "Families are fun, kids are precious," I would tell myself. But I slowly started to cringe when I'd get an inquiry from a family. I shouldn't start dreading family sessions. But I was. They usually went something like this... Me: "ok everyone, you go here, you go there, you stand here" "look at me, hey cute kiddo, peek a boo" "look here, everyone look here, smile" "look like you're having fun" "look like you love each other" "haha, laugh, haha" "hey kiddo, look here!" Mom and Dad: "say cheese" "listen to the photographer" "stand still" "stand still and say cheese" "get over here" ...