A Walk with God, no. 2 ~ "Golden"

I did it!  I made it a whole week without posting another walk image :)  *pats self on back*  That was actually really hard to do, don't laugh!  My "Walk with God" times refresh me over, and over, and over again.  It's truly tough not to pour into them (and stay there all week).

There are a few reasons why I chose this image.
One, I LOVE it, two... they say that the best camera to have... is the one in your hand. :)

One Wednesday night, we were at our home group's host home when we had a HUGE fish fry.  We've had to multiply twice (really need to again) and every now and then we get to have everyone in one place to keep those special friendships connected.  I think we had something like 70 people there?!  Anyhoo, I didn't bring my camera!!!!
I choose to ignore the niggling voice in my head that said, "GRAB IT".

I didn't.

And I most certainly regretted it!  My sweet friend was walking around with her Olympus point-n-shoot in hand and overheard me whining about my delinquency.  Yes, I whine.  Especially when I have HUGE regrets.  And no camera.  I hadn't seen the backyard grounds of our host home yet since it was the first time I'd had a chance to walk around.  I DIED when I caught a glimpse of this dreamy landscape.

Drool.  Drool and awe.

My friend had an innate sense that someone better get a camera into my hands immediately!  Think diabetic, on the floor, convulsing, and generally dying.  Camera = insulin and I needed some FAST!  She offered up her camera and I tried hard to refuse (a whole 2 seconds I think) but.... well,
when your dying, you don't refuse medication, right? ;)

I probably became a recluse during that fish fry but I felt the Spirit moving that evening in the sunset and the friendships and conversations buzzing around me.  I couldn't tear myself away.  I still feel that same Spirit of Peace flood me when I see this.  That is what I call, "A Walk with God."
The best part, you don't always have to be alone.  He meets you where you're at.

I pray you get to experience your own "Walk with God," if not in person, then maybe through what He shares with me.


Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near Your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God.   ♥   Psalm 84:3


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